Micro-credential Program
Social Emotional Literacy
Micro-credentials in this Program

Using Structures and Prosocial Experiences to Support Social Emotional Literacy

Using Instructional Practices that Build Self-Regulation

Bringing Voices and Values into the Classroom

Creating a Language Rich Classroom

Developing Phonological Skills Through Rhythm, Rhyme, and Rap

How to Build a Brain that Reads: Strategies to Teach Phonics
Why Choose the Social Emotional Literacy Program?
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Issued by The Learning Alliance
The Learning Alliance (TLA) is a non-profit dedicated to literacy by the end of third grade. In existence since 2010, TLA has successfully worked to improve literacy outcomes through its innovative teacher professional development, providing extended learning resources for students, and galvanizing a community around the goal of literacy for sustainable, collective impact.

Why Micro-credentials Matters
What’s in a Micro-credential
A micro-credential is a form of micro-certification earned by demonstrating competency in one specific skill at a time, via a portfolio of evidence, created through classroom practice.
Micro-credentials on BloomBoard follow the ADDIE instructional design framework. Each micro-credential is based on a robust, standardized blueprint, grounded in instructional design best practices.