Tri-City unified School District

Master Teacher Pathway

Tri-City Unified School District is committed fostering an environment that attracts, develops, and retains highly effective personnel through high-quality innovative practices that support continuous improvement. Tri-City Unified School District has partnered with BloomBoard, the national leader in educator training and advancement, to offer educators an innovative alternative to traditional professional development and advanced degrees.

Program Overview

In partnership with BloomBoard, Tri-City Unified School District (TCUSD) is offering a masters level course of study comprised of a series of micro-endorsements, which allow educators to prove proficiency in specific practice areas while accumulating masters equivalent credit hours approved by TCUSD. Completing the series of micro-endorsements allows educators to earn a full masters equivalent level of expertise, demonstrate skills that can open up new career opportunities, and advance in their compensation via existing salary schedule credit.

TCUSD’s program includes two basic phases:

  • Phase 1 — All educators will complete a Foundational Micro-endorsement comprised of 10 micro-credentials on topics such as core instructional strategies, data-driven instruction, differentiation, student engagement, and others.
  • Phase 2 — Educators will then have the ability to choose from a selection of pre-approved specialized micro-endorsements in topics such as Personalized Learning, STEM, Computer Science, Social Emotional Learning, Cultural Competence, and others.

The total minimum required number of micro-credentials to complete the program is 30 micro-credentials, based on completion of the Foundations endorsement and a series of elective micro-endorsements equaling the sum of at least 30 total micro-credentials.

What is a Micro-endorsement?

Rooted in the concept of existing teaching endorsements, micro-endorsements can be thought of as a competency-based approach to building requisite levels of proficiency in specific skill areas such as subject or pedagogical topics. The conceptual difference between traditional endorsements and micro-endorsements is that each micro-endorsement is made up of a cohesive group of micro-credentials, each representing an educator’s demonstration of competence in a single skill. By completing the series of micro-credentials in a micro-endorsement, an educator demonstrates their general competence and qualification in a subject area or pedagogical topic.

How National Board Support Courses Work

 The National Board Support Courses are earned by demonstrating competence in a specific skill via a portfolio of evidence created through classroom practice. All courses are based on a robust, standardized blueprint, grounded in four areas of instructional efficacy research including, cycles of inquiry, job-embedded supports, rigorously calibrated assessment, and portfolio-based learning.
Learn more about portfolio-based courses »

Phase 1: Foundations Micro-Endorsement

The intent of the Foundations Micro-endorsement is to create an equity bar for rigorous instruction prior to educators selecting specialized micro-endorsements. The Foundations Micro-endorsement consists of 10 micro-credentials. 
Teachers are required to earn all the micro-credentials included in the Foundations Micro-endorsement.

Phase 2: Specialized Micro-endorsements

Specialization micro-endorsements represent a set of competencies required to build deeper knowledge in a pedagogical or content-specific area of teaching. Teachers are able to select from a pre-approved district list of specializations that best align with their professional and individual classroom needs. All of the micro-credentials must be completed in a selected specialized micro-endorsement even if it exceeds the total number of micro-credentials required to complete the Master Teacher Pathway.

The BloomBoard specialization micro-endorsements are as follows:

National Board Pre-Candidacy

The National Board Pre-Candidacy specialization micro-endorsement aligns the advanced knowledge, skills, and practice that educators will need to be able to demonstrate in the National Board Certification process. In addition to completing the Foundations Micro-endorsement outlined above, you will need to complete the following micro-credentials to earn this micro-endorsement:

  • Using Knowledge of Students to Inform Instruction
  • Analyzing Student Work Samples
  • Using Rubrics to Improve Analytical Writing
  • Utilizing Video as a Tool for Reflection
  • Analyzing Assessments in the Learning Cycles
  • Utilizing Self-Assessment for Professional Growth Planning
Computer Science Instruction / Computational Thinking (AIR)

The Computer Science Instruction / Computational Thinking specialization micro-endorsement from the American Institutes for Research provides the skills for teachers to helps students build the problem-solving skills necessary for complex situations they will encounter in a variety of contexts. In addition to completing the Foundations Micro-endorsement outlined above, you will need to complete the following micro-credentials to earn this micro-endorsement:

  • Creating Computational Artifacts
  • Developing and Using Abstractions
  • Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems
  • Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts
Computer Science Instruction / Computational Thinking (University of Rhode Island)

The Computer Science Instruction / Computational Thinking micro-endorsement from the University of Rhode Island provides the skills necessary to help students build the problem-solving skills necessary for complex situations they will encounter in a variety of contexts. In addition to completing the Foundations Micro-endorsement outlined above, you will need to complete the following micro-credentials to earn this micro-endorsement:

  • Teaching Secondary Computing
  • Teaching Secondary Data Analysis
  • Teaching Secondary Algorithms and Program Design
  • Teaching Secondary Algorithms and Program Development
  • Teaching Secondary Impacts of Computing
  • Teaching Secondary Networks and the Internet
Early Literacy Instruction

The Early Literacy Instruction micro-endorsement ensures teachers can successfully implement high-quality literacy instruction. In addition to completing the Foundations Micro-endorsement outlined above, you will need to complete the following micro-credentials to earn this micro-endorsement:

  • Integrating Early Literacy Techniques: Teaching Phonics
  • Integrating Early Literacy Techniques: Interactive Read Alouds
  • Integrating Early Literacy Techniques: Phonological Awareness
  • Integrating Early Literacy Techniques: Guided Reading
  • Integrating Early Literacy Techniques: Text-based Discussion
  • Integrating Early Literacy Techniques: Beginning Writing Instruction
Introduction to Personalized Learning

The Introduction to Personalized Learning micro-endorsement helps teachers to be able to apply personalized learning fundamentals at any given time with the understanding that learning objectives, content, methods, and pacing are likely to vary from learner to learner as they pursue their proficiency relative to established standards. In addition to completing the Foundations Micro-endorsement outlined above, you will need to complete the following micro-credentials to earn this micro-endorsement:

  • Modeling a Growth Mindset
  • Communicating the WHY of Student-Centered Learning
  • Nurturing Agency
  • Giving Feedback to Students
  • Building Relationships of Trust with Students
Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners

The Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners micro-endorsement will help teachers develop the content knowledge, teaching skills, cultural background, and field experience to address the needs of English Language Learners. In addition to completing the Foundations Micro-endorsement outlined above, you will need to complete the following micro-credentials to earn this micro-endorsement:

  • Writing to Source for English Learners
  • Facilitating Direct Vocabulary Instruction for English Learners
  • Facilitating Differentiated Dialogic Reading for English Learners
  • Implementing Instructional Strategies for English Learners (SIOP or QTEL)
Meeting the Needs of Students with Exceptionalities

The Meeting the Needs of Students with Exceptionalities micro-endorsement provides educators with the competencies for meeting the needs of students with exceptionalities and create inclusive classrooms. In addition to completing the Foundations Micro-endorsement outlined above, you will need to complete the following micro-credentials to earn this micro-endorsement:

  • Creating a Positive Behavior Management System for Students with Exceptionalities
  • Promoting Active Student Engagement During Lessons for Students with Exceptionalities
  • Teaching Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies to Students with Exceptionalities
  • Using Technology to Support Learning for Students With Exceptionalities
Social Emotional Learning

The Social Emotional Learning micro-endorsement develops the competencies for teachers to build the students' skills necessary for success beyond academic content knowledge, making learning more meaningful and fostering students' wellbeing. In addition to completing the Foundations Micro-endorsement outlined above, you will need to complete the following micro-credentials to earn this micro-endorsement:

  • Encouraging Student Social Awareness
  • Engaging Students in Responsible Decision-making
  • Making SEL Equitable through Cultural Competence
  • Preventing and Addressing Bullying Behavior in the Classroom Using SEL
  • Reflecting on Educator Social and Emotional Competencies
  • Supporting Student Self-awareness
  • Understanding the Principles of Social and Emotional Learning
  • Promoting Student Self-Management
  • Developing Student Relationship Skills
Strategic Integration of Technology: G-Suite

The Strategic Integration of Technology: G-Suite micro-endorsement helps teachers incorporate Google’s G Suite for Education tools into their instruction and prepares them to become Google Certified Educators. In addition to completing the Foundations Micro-endorsement outlined above, you will need to complete the following micro-credentials to earn this micro-endorsement:

  • Communicating Expectations with Students and Stakeholders Using G Suite
  • Engage Student Learning Through a Group Project Using G Suite
  • Improve Student Understanding with Feedback Using G Suite
  • Understand and Share Student Growth Using G Suite
Trauma-Sensitive Instruction

The Trauma-Sensitive Instruction micro-endorsement develops competencies for teachers to create a safe, wholistic learning environment that supports social and emotional learning. In addition to completing the Foundations Micro-endorsement outlined above, you will need to complete the following micro-credentials to earn this micro-endorsement:

  • Addressing stress produced by working with students affected by trauma
  • De-escalating a Triggered Student
  • Instituting a trauma-sensitive classroom
  • Recognizing stress responses in students affected by trauma
  • Reflecting Trauma Awareness
  • Using Protective Factors to Foster Student Resilience
Literacy for Learning

You will need to complete the following micro-credentials to earn the Literacy for Learning micro-endorsement:

  • Leveraging the Language Foundations of Reading
  • Teaching Phonics
  • Teaching Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary
  • Implementing Literacy Assessment and Intervention
  • Integrating Content-Area Literacy
  • Teaching Writing
  • Implementing Close Reading Instruction
Integration of Math Practices

You will need to complete the following micro-credentials to earn the Integration of Math Practices micro-endorsement:

  • Establishing Mathematics Goals to Focus Learning
  • Implementing Tasks that Promote Reasoning and Problem Solving
  • Using and Connecting Mathematical Representations
  • Facilitating Meaningful Mathematical Discourse
  • Posing Purposeful Questions
  • Building Procedural Fluency from Conceptual Understanding
  • Supporting Productive Struggle in Learning Mathematics
  • Eliciting and Using Evidence of Student Thinking
Teaching Gifted Students

The Teaching Gifted Students micro-endorsement is made up of the following micro-credentials:

  • Differentiating the Curriculum Using Depth and Complexity
  • Differentiating the Curriculum Using Novelty/ Independent Study
  • Understanding Types of Giftedness
  • Using Flexible Grouping in Instruction
  • Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction for Gifted Learners
Project-Based Learning

The Project-Based Learning micro-endorsement helps teachers develop the competencies to support students in actively exploring real-world problems and challenges and acquiring deeper knowledge. In addition to completing the Foundations Micro-endorsement outlined above, you will need to complete the following micro-credentials to earn this micro-endorsement:

  • Designing and Planning PBL Lesson Plans
  • Scaffolding Student Learning for the PBL Process
  • Managing Activities in the PBL Process
  • Assessing Student Learning During the PBL Process
  • Building the Culture for the PBL Process
  • Aligning Standards for the PBL Process
  • Engaging and Coaching Students During the PBL Process
Culturally Responsive / Equity Instruction

The Culturally Responsive / Equity Instruction micro-endorsement helps teachers learn and implement practices that can promote each student's academic success and well-being. In addition to completing the Foundations Micro-endorsement outlined above, you will need to complete the following micro-credentials to earn this micro-endorsement:

  • Understanding Cultural Differences
  • Developing Culturally Responsive Instruction
  • Developing a Climate of Respect and Rapport

The Program Includes:

Competency-based Learning

Engage in a series of micro-credentials focused on competencies that will be utilized when developing the portfolio in all National Board certification areas.

Exemplar Video Resources

Get access to exemplar video content from the National Board ATLAS video library.

On-Demand Coaching

Connect with existing National Board Certified Teachers through virtual, video-based coaching as you work towards completing the pre-candidacy program and earning certification.

Flexible Payment Options

Bundle the cost of the pre-candidacy program and National Board certification. The total cost can be paid upfront or explore attractive financing options that align with your salary advancement.

Next Steps…

Attend a Webinar

To learn more about micro-endorsements including how they work, how they’ll benefit you, and what is required to complete them, join us for a live webinar.

Connect with a Career Counselor

Schedule an appointment with a Career Pathway Counselor to discuss micro-endorsement options and get all your questions answered.

Enroll Now

If you’re ready to get started on your micro-endorsements, complete the enrollment form and you’ll receive an email with your account login information.

Frequently Asked Questions

For question related to micro-endorsements and the enrollment process, read through the FAQ below.

Tell me more about BloomBoard

BloomBoard is the national leader in competency-based educator training and advancement using micro-credentials. They have partnered with your district to offer its educators an opportunity to meaningfully improve classroom practice while also accumulating skills and credit to achieve masters level distinction in both compensation and career advancement. The company works with hundreds of districts across the U.S. to implement competency-based professional learning programs.

How do I enroll in the program?

To enroll, log in or create an account at using your school or district email address. Once logged in, you should see your available pathways, programs, and micro-endorsements that you can select from. If you do not see this information, contact your districts' program sponsor or create a support ticket from within the BloomBoard platform.

What are the cost of these micro-endorsements?

The program and micro-endorsements vary. For accurate pricing, log into using your school or district email address.

How long do I have to complete the micro-endorsement?

You can work through all the required micro-credentials in your selected micro-endorsements at your own pace. The maximum timeframe for completing all micro-credentials is four years.

Do I need to complete the Foundations Micro-endorsement in addition to my selected specializations?

Yes. In order to earn your masters level equivalency, you will be required to complete the Foundations and selected specializations. 

Does is matter what order I complete the individual micro-credentials?

It depends. It is generally recommended to complete the micro-credentials in the Foundations Micro-endorsement before the specializations, however, it may make sense to do some micro-credentials and micro-endorsements concurrently to take advantage of topics or flow within the classes you're teaching. A career pathway consultant can help you make this decision once you have enrolled in a program.

How does the financing option work?

Information on financing micro-endorsements will be posted here soon. In the meantime, please contact

I have additional questions, who can I contact?

For general questions related to micro-endorsements, how they works, and how to enroll, please email BloomBoard at