Micro-credential Program

Integrating Technology Using the SAMR Model

A competency-based learning program that helps teachers integrate technology tools into instruction and progress from simply enhancing to truly transforming learning.

As instructors integrate technology tools into instruction, the SAMR model can be used to determine whether the technology application is enhancing or transforming the learning. The purpose of the SAMR Model is to assist instructors with determining the level of technology integration in the learning environment.  The mode has four levels that explain the increasing impact of the integration from substituting another traditional learning method to creating a completely new learning style.

Micro-credentials in this Program

Effective Use of Technology at the “Substitution” Level

Substitution is when technology acts as a direct substitute for an activity and does not provide any functional change. To earn this micro-credential, the educator appropriately uses technology as a direct substitute for a traditional, low-tech instructional strategy and articulates a rationale for using tech at the substitution level.

Effective Use of Technology at “Augmentation” Level

Augmentation is when technology acts as a direct tool substitute that adds functional improvement to the activity. To earn this micro-credential, the educator uses technology to augment instructional approaches, and articulates a rationale for using technology to augment instruction.

Effective Use of Technology at “Modification” Level

Modification is when technology allows for significant task redesign for a learning activity. To earn this micro-credential, the educator uses technology to modify instructional approaches, and articulates a rationale for using technology to modify instruction.

Effective Use of Technology at “Redefinition” Level

Redefinition occurs when technology allows for the creation of new learning tasks that were previously inconceivable. To earn this micro-credential, the educator uses technology to redefine instructional approaches, and articulates a rationale for using technology to redefine instruction.

Why Enroll in the SAMR Program?

The Integrating Technology Using SAMR micro-credential program provides an opportunity for districts to implement personalized, competency-based professional learning around a core set of teaching skills. BloomBoard programs are designed to engage educators in their own growth via learning by doing, and getting recognition and credit for it. Participants will:

  • Gain immediately applicable classroom tactics and functional knowledge for effectively integrating technology into instruction.
  • Cultivate the capacities of a modern tech-enabled teacher and professional learner including the skills to self-assess, self-motivate and create individual professional learning paths and networks
  • Demonstrate competence via a micro-credential that will be awarded upon successful completion of the program. Optional graduate credit is available.

Bring this Program to Your District

Issued by The Friday Institute

The Integrating Technology Using SAMR micro-credential program is issued by The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at North Carolina State University College of Education. They are advancing education through innovation in digital-age teaching, learning and leadership, bringing together students, teachers, researchers, policy-makers, educational professionals and other community members to foster collaborations in improving education.

Why Micro-credentials Matters

Each micro-credential earned signifies that an educator has met the profession’s highest standards for demonstrated practice of a specific competency. Together, with our state, district, and training development partners, we are advancing the next generation of professional learning while bringing cohesion, transparency, and professionalism to the profession.

What’s in a Micro-credential

A micro-credential is a form of micro-certification earned by demonstrating competency in one specific skill at a time, via a portfolio of evidence, created through classroom practice.

Micro-credentials on BloomBoard follow the ADDIE instructional design framework. Each micro-credential is based on a robust, standardized blueprint, grounded in instructional design best practices.

Bring this Program to Your District

Let us know you’re interested in bringing the Integrating Technology Using SAMR micro-credential program to your school or district by filling out this form: