Micro-credential Program
The Engaged, Technology-Enabled Classroom
A competency-based learning program from iLearn Collaborative to help educators implement strategies for using technology to create the time and space to get to know your students and create a classroom culture that fosters choice, agency and authentic learning.
The Engaged, Technology-Enabled Classroom micro-credential program captures what our teacher leaders have learned about integrating technology into their instructional practices. It begins with an introduction to two basic blended learning techniques: the flipped classroom and the station rotation model. The learner then progresses to an explicit strategy for engaging students with gamification techniques, and concludes with strategies for creating a healthy blended classroom culture, focusing on nurturing student voice and choice and applying project-based learning techniques. Engaging digital content will introduce learners to the concepts.
Participants will then be asked to demonstrate competency in applying those concepts through authentic projects that integrate with their day-to-day teaching work. An experienced practitioner will provide virtual support to facilitate learning.
Micro-credentials in this Program

Flipped Learning
Educator incorporates various methodologies for instruction delivery, supporting an active-learning environment that shifts the ownership of learning from the educator to the student.

Station Rotation
Educator creates differentiated learning communities within the classroom, integrating both technology and station design.

Educator utilizes gamification to present information or content, producing an effective educational environment.

Authentic Project-Based Learning Assessment
Educator creates an authentic assessment that can be seamlessly integrated into a real-world project-based learning experience.

Student Choice and Agency
Educator creates an environment that encourages students’ level of control and autonomy over their educational experience and provides choice to allow student voice.
Why Enroll in the Engaged, Technology-Enabled Classroom Program?
Every teacher wishes that they had more time to support their students. Technology can make that possible, and in doing so, open up a wealth of new opportunities and strategies for engaging students. This focused set of five micro-credentials will give you the practical experience and tools you need to begin utilizing these practices immediately in your classroom. This program is designed to inspire your creativity, pushing your thinking on what teaching can be and connecting you with a community of other like-minded educators.
Bring this Program to Your District
Issued by iLearn Collaborative
iLearn Collaborative is a member organization comprised of 28 and counting school districts, representing 350,000+ students. They use technology to enable their members to pool their resources, co-developing and delivering consulting services, professional learning, digital curriculum, and evaluation services. All of their programs serve one purpose: creating equity in K-12 education by building the capacity of educators to implement student-centered learning.

Why Micro-credentials Matters
Each micro-credential earned signifies that an educator has met the profession’s highest standards for demonstrated practice of a specific competency. Together, with our state, district, and training development partners, we are advancing the next generation of professional learning while bringing cohesion, transparency, and professionalism to the profession.
What’s in a Micro-credential
A micro-credential is a form of micro-certification earned by demonstrating competency in one specific skill at a time, via a portfolio of evidence, created through classroom practice.
Micro-credentials on BloomBoard follow the ADDIE instructional design framework. Each micro-credential is based on a robust, standardized blueprint, grounded in instructional design best practices.
Let us know you’re interested in bringing the Engaged, Technology-Enabled Classroom micro-credential program to your school or district by filling out this form: