Career Continuum

BloomBoard offers an ADE-approved micro-credential based program for Arkansas educators interested in gaining a Lead Professional Educator or Master Professional Educator (for educators already holding a Master’s degree) designation on their teaching license.

Program Overview


BloomBoard’s Lead Professional Educator and Master Designation for Educators With A Master’s Degree Micro-Endorsements are competency-based professional development programs composed of a stack of micro-credentials designed to improve instructional practices, content knowledge, and classroom management skills.

Educators can purchase the micro-endorsement that best aligns to their career pathway, and work at their own pace to complete all micro-credentials in the endorsement. All micro-credentials required in your micro-endorsements include access to recommended professional learning resources that will support you in successfully completing your micro-credential.

What is a Micro-credential?

A micro-credential is earned by demonstrating competence in a specific skill via a portfolio of evidence created through classroom practice. All micro-credentials are based on a robust, standardized blueprint, grounded in four areas of instructional efficacy research including, cycles of inquiry, job-embedded supports, rigorously calibrated assessment, and portfolio-based learning.

Lead Professional Educator

A Lead Professional Educator license designation is intended for a teacher who is choosing to lead primarily from outside the classroom, mentoring and supporting other teachers in their development of strong practices. You will notice that one of the MC slots is a “choice” MC, you will have the option to choose between: Structuring the Classroom to Support All Students OR Recognizing and Upholding Academic 

Lead Professional Educator Micro-endorsement

Master’s Degree and ADE Approved Micro-credentials

ADE recognizes the value of a teachers’ content knowledge, but also the importance of pedagogy to impart their knowledge to students. This pathway offers teachers who earn a master’s degree in their content area the opportunity to demonstrate master-teacher competency through the completion of two micro-credentials.

Please confirm that you hold a master’s degree in a content area recognized by ADE before selecting this pathway:

Facilitating Adult Learning

Building Collaborative Relationships to Foster Shared Purpose

Content Transition Policy

Please note that the Career Continuum micro-credential content has been updated as of June 1, 2021. New content is aligned to archived content. A micro-credential earned between August 1, 2019 and December 31, 2021 that was aligned to the archived Career Continuum content WILL satisfy the requirements of an equivalent micro-credential for full Master Educator micro-endorsements earned prior to August 1, 2023 – see table. To check your eligibility, please email

If you earned one of these micro-credentials between 8/1/2019 and 12/31/2021…. ….it will satisfy the requirement of this equivalent micro-credential in the Master Educator micro-endorsement, if the full Master Educator micro-endorsement is earned prior to August 1, 2023.
Creating Physical Learning Environments that Support Learning Structuring the Classroom to Support All Students
Managing Student Behavior to Meet Classroom Expectations Exploring and Deepening an Equity Mindset
Modifying Instruction through Formative Assessment During a Lesson Monitoring and Responding to Student Learning during a Lesson

Financing Options

You can pay for the micro-endorsement program upfront or explore flexible financing options. Watch the video below to learn how to apply and view the payment options available.

I’m Interested in Learning More!

Click below to register. Registrants will receive information from BloomBoard regarding the program shortly after submitting the form.