How Do Micro-credentials Work?



Juan is in his third year of teaching. One of his learning goals for the year is to work on classroom management. Juan can go to a workshop, attend a PD day, or watch videos online. And he will receive PD credit for either option. But how will he know if these events impact his practice?

Introducing micro-credentials, a digital form of certification earned by demonstrating competence of a skill via a portfolio of evidence created through classroom practice. Micro-credentials offered on BloomBoard are authored by industry experts, backed by research, and designed to align to instructional standards.

Now, imagine that Juan chooses to earn a micro-credential approved by his district, rather than attending that workshop.

Juan would review the submission requirements and decide how he wants to engage in his learning. Through the BloomBoard platform he can leverage online resources developed by experts, receive coaching, and collaborate with other educators to discuss resources, ask questions, and get feedback on his evidence.

As Juan learns he applies his learnings into his practice and collects the evidence needed to earn his micro-credential. Juan then uploads this evidence and submits it online through the BloomBoard platform for a certified assessor to review.

When Juan successfully earns his micro-credential he will receive a digital badge that he can add to his portfolio and resume. His certification will also help him work towards licensure, salary increases, and promotions.

Welcome to professional learning with purpose — where educators learn by doing via micro-credentials while earning advancement opportunities for their progress.


Want to Learn More?

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