Build A Culture of Respect While Strengthening Teacher Practice

BloomBoard works with school districts to create custom programs that offer professional learning as a development and retention benefit to educators. Learn more about how we can partner to develop a plan to advance your teachers while addressing such district priorities as SEL, effective blended learning, learning recovery, and content area expertise.


Why Create a Plan?

Schools are facing an unprecedented shortage as teachers are rapidly leaving the profession. Teacher burnout is at an all-time high, with 42% of teachers reporting they have considered leaving during the most recent school year.


Recruitment, advancement and retention options are inadequate and teachers are demanding more.

  • Salary schedules are overly rigid
  • Pay increases are linked to high-cost, irrelevant and inconvenient graduate credit options
  • Substitute shortages limit professional learning options
  • Teachers are demanding more support, personalization, and opportunities for advancement
  • High demand licensure areas (e.g., Special Ed, ESL) are creating additional liability for districts

      What if there was a better way for district leaders to reward and advance their teachers while impacting student outcomes?


      Build a Custom Plan

      Create custom learning pathways through our flexible course offerings to

      address teacher retention, bolster your your teaching talent, and improve student outcomes.

      Foundational Sets

      Focus on foundational skills including addressing student well-being, learning recovery, attending to equity, and more.

      Content Area Concentrations

      Build instructional skills in specific concentration areas including Computer Science, Math, Early Literacy, ELL, and more.

      Talent Development Programs

      Districts can develop custom pathways for new teacher induction, teacher leaders, mentor teachers, aspiring leaders,
      and more.

      District Spotlight:
      North Texas Collegiate Academy

      North Texas Collegiate Academy

      Our partner, North Texas Collegiate Academy, launched a unique Master’s University. In collaboration with BloomBoard and Oklahoma Christian University, 19 educators from NTxCA will earn their Master’s Degrees in Curriculum and Instruction. NTxCA is offering this opportunity at no cost to these incredible educators funded with professional development and ESSER funds. Resulting from this announcement, the district has seen a significant increase in qualified applicants for teaching jobs in their district. 

      Learn More!

      To learn more about our customizable micro-credential based programs, complete the form and a representative will be in touch.